Load stabilization with dunnage air bags

Dunnage air bags- filling voids and stabilizing loads

Load stabilization with dunnage air bags

Let your shipments catch some Zzzzs with dunnage air bags. Well, not really, but they do look like large pillows for your pallets. Instead of sleeping, they fill the void between pallets and stabilize your truck loads. Whether you’re shipping full truck or LTL dunnage air bags will help your products get to their destination in one piece.

Dunnage air bags are air-inflated bladders that are made of different materials. They can be paper, poly-woven, vinyl, and plastic materials. They’re used to effectively fill the spaces left between pallets when loaded into a trailer. Airbags start deflated, are inserted between pallets, and are then inflated for stabilization. This helps the pallets stay in one place, lessens the amount of movement between pallets, and keeps them upright.

dunnage air bagsAir bags are great for the beverage industry

Time for a history lesson

Alright, try to stay awake for this quick lesson in history. Not too long ago, the 1970’s actually, dunnage airbags were introduced. They were brought into the industry as a cost effective alternative to securing and stabilizing cargo in sea containers, trucks, rail cars, and other ocean vessels. Dunnage airbags are commonly misunderstood. Just by looking at them you probably assume they are made for void filling and lateral movement. Pro tip: cargo doesn’t just move from side to side.When airbags are used correctly, they can prevent movement from front to back, side to side, and up and down. 
air bags stabilizing truck loads

Still awake? Cool, let’s go over the benefits of these air bags.

Benefits of Dunnage Airbags
Ahhh, a nicely stabilized truck shipment.

Benefits of using dunnage airbags

  • Ease of use: The compressed air does most of the work for you. Dunnage airbags are easily installed in minutes with little physical labor. It goes both ways too. Deflating is just as easy, and makes unloading truck loads faster than other void fill processes. 
  • Economical: When truck loads contain the same thing, one air bag can brace the entire trailer. Think of the savings if the entire truckload is stabilized from a single dunnage air bag. Less damage, less labor, lower cost of materials. That sound you hear is the little “cha-ching” going off in your mind.
  • Gets rid of cargo movement: A major cause of packaging damage during transit is the shifting of loads. Like we mentioned earlier, pallets and boxes don’t just move side to side. Just think of the last time you drove down the street and hit a pot-hole with a piping hot cup of coffee. That hurt didn’t it? The coffee didn’t just go one direction. Now imagine and entire trailer full of pallets, boxes, and other cargo. That 3-dimensional shift is eliminated with dunnage air bags.

 How to effectively use an air bag 

 So how do you use these things? It’s important to note that the best way to secure the truck load is to place the air bags in the back. The last 2-4 pallets are especially crucial. 

70% of damage during transit happens over the rear wheels of the truck.

dunnage airbags on truck
A single air bag can stabilize four similar pallets

Starting with air bags in the bag is a good first step, but there’s no one size fits all. It depends on the truck, what kind of delivery you’re using, and product type. Everything going to one place? Good, you can use fewer air bags than if your truckload is going to multiple locations. It all depends on the type of transit.

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To shop our full selection of dunnage air bags click here.

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Load stabilization with dunnage air bags published first on https://www.thepackaginggroup.com/

Benefits of Foam in Place Packaging

The Benefits of Foam in Place Packaging

Benefits of Foam in Place Packaging

Foam in Place Instapak – “The Instapak Quick RT Foam Packaging is activated right out of the box by hand, at room temperature. This foam in place alternative is a quick, easy-to-use expandable foam packaging which virtually eliminates shipping damage.”

Instapak foam in place

Foam in place packaging is a unique process to protecting your products. Think of it as a snug cushion that wraps itself around the product to better protect it than other packaging supplies. There’s a molding process that happens when two liquid chemicals are injected into a high density polyethylene bag. That chemical reaction causes the foaming and expanding around the product, effectively filling the void between container and product. 

Enough about the science behind it

Now that we got the science descriptions out of the way, let’s focus on why you came here in the first place.


Foam in place packaging has many benefits as the operations are designed with the operator in mind. They simplify the packaging process, reduce costs, and increase productivity.

What are the benefits of foam in place packaging?

  • Lower costs associated with consumables
  • Less downtime due to equipment malfunctions
  • Easy operation with little to no training
  • Each package will have the correct amount of protection, specific to each product
  • State of the art equipment, without huge spend
  • Telemetry- the equipment will let you know when it needs to be fixed
  • Barcoding- Take the guessing out of which bag to use and how much. Foam in place packaging dispenses the the foam packaging based on unique product barcodes

Void fill with foam in place packaging
Who could benefit from foam in place packaging?

  • Home based businesses
  • Furniture and appliance industry
  • Shipping stores and mailrooms
  • Retail and e-Commerce sellers
  • Medical and electronic industry

Foam in Place Solutions

If you’re always attempting to oversee consumable utilization, baffled by surprising gear downtime, or irritated about waiting days for a specialist, don’t worry – you’re not the only one. The truth is, Foam in Place Packaging helps make packaging simpler, more secure, more proficient, and keep your office more profitable.

If you liked this post, GREAT! Check out our most recent articles.

Benefits of Foam in Place Packaging published first on https://www.thepackaginggroup.com/

4 e-commerce packing tips

For all your company and personal e-commerce sellers out there, it’s important to remember a crucial part of your business. The packaging. E-commerce packing can make or break your small business or large operation. Customers are happier when the products they order are delivered safely and in one piece. Damaged and returned product hurts companies in the millions every year. It also leads to customers not coming back. It’s about the presentation of the packaging and the protection.

e-commerce packing tips

E-commerce packing tips

Focus on the product

Take a look at your product to asses how they should be packaged. It’s more than just the dimensions of your product though. E-commerce packing depends on numerous factors outside the length, width, and weight of your products. 

  • How long is the shipment?
  • Will it be exposed to weather?
  • Are your products fragile?
  • How much void fill do you need?
  • Do you want branded packaging?

All these factors matter when deciding how to package your product for e-commerce. There’s no one size fits all. Every product should be treated with a specific packaging solution in mind.

The box matters

Corrugated boxes are the way to go for most e-commerce packing operations. You may be used to those flimsy cardboard boxes from back in the day, but those won’t do the job right. For small to medium size products, a single wall corrugated box is efficient. For anything larger than that, try a double or triple walled corrugated box. They have increased strength against pressure, so they’ll be able to protect your product. They may cost a little more than you’re used to, but you’re going to have less damaged products. That makes your customers and your bottom line happy. The box isn’t the only thing that matters, however. It’s what you put inside the box that will give your products extra protection.

Recommended: 4 X 4 X 4 Regular slotted container

Void fill

Besides your actual product, you’re going to need some sort of void fill in the corrugated box for protection. When we talk about void fill, we’re talking about the protective packaging that is used to keep the product safe. Air pillows, packing pillow, kraft paper, bubble wrap, that sort of thing. We recommend going with bubble packaging. It’s great for lightweight products where minimal void fill is needed. If you’re looking for something with a little more protection, air pillows are the way to go. Pregis Airspeed Fit Air Pillow Machine is the standard, so check it out.

Recommended: ½" X 48" X 250’ BUBBLE P-12"

Don’t forget the tape!

This next part is more important than you think. Packaging tape comes in many different forms. Acrylic carton sealing tape, hot melt carton sealing tape, and water activated tape are the tapes of choice for e-commerce packing. Tape works in two ways for you and your packaging. First of all it protects the package from theft, damage, and keeps it safe during shipping. Secondly, it can reinforce your brand. Try branded water-activated tapes on your corrugated boxes for a cheap way to get your brand out there. Don’t spend more money on customized boxes with your logo because that’s more expensive. Water activated tape can be printed on with your logo and anything else you want on there. It’s the most cost-effective way to make sure your brand’s image is one of the first thing the customer sees.


Think of your packaging as symbolizing the way you take care and pride in your products. Put your best face forward when it comes to e-commerce packing and you’ll reap the benefits of satisfied customers.

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4 e-commerce packing tips published first on https://www.thepackaginggroup.com/

Inflatable systems, reducing your costs

What’s an inflatable system?

Inflatable systems create air filled packaging cushions on-demand. A roll of film gets mounted to a small piece of equipment to create the cushioning pads. They come in either single-chamber pillows or multi-chamber hybrid cushioning pads. This all depends on your application needs. The variety of equipment models are available to fit your performance and environmental requirements. Let’s look at things you can evaluate before purchasing an inflatable packaging system. Inflatable systems can reduce your overall packaging costs and still hit your performance goals.

Air cushioning equipment


Inflatable SystemsIt’s smart practice to keep in mind the average cost per package, and not just the cost of materials. We all know how different the units of measure can be when it comes to packaging. They’re all over the place right? cubic foot, square foot, length, width, grams, lbs., gauges, etc. You get my drift, and it can be hard to compare them to each other, but that’s what you have to do. Say for example, you’re using those little packaging peanuts. Those are most likely measured in cost per cubic foot. If you’re switching to an inflatable system you’ll be looking at cost per square foot. Understand how much material is used to protect your products and you’ll be in good shape. You may be using more material compared to what you use now, but make sure the total cost per package is lower.


Everyone’s favorite word. When it comes to freight, this is where all those hidden costs can be a factor. Size and weight have the greatest impact on transportation costs. You know what’s good about inflatable systems, they produce those SMALL and LIGHT air pillows. 

Things to consider when looking at freight and how it will change with an inflatable system:

  • Does your protective packaging allow you to reduce the size of your outer container?
  • How does stay up when introduced to shock, compression, and vibration?
  • Full pallets or small parcel?


Inflatable Systems EquipmentIt would take 450 cubic feet of void fill to create the same amount of protection that a jumbo roll of inflatable systems would produce. Even better? A typical system only takes up about 1 cubic foot of space. That’s saving you a lot of floor space in your warehouse for better protective packaging. There’s no need to store all the extra protective packaging you’re using now. With the inflatable system, it’s on-demand. You’ll only use it when you need it, freeing up other space for your warehouse.


Don’t forget about labor costs in the average cost per package, it’s often overlooked. It’s overlooked and also one of the easiest ways to lower costs, quickly. Cost of labor, and the time that labor is taking to finish a job. Inflatable systems can be optimized for improved productivity. It usually takes 5-6 seconds to pack a box and then send it on its way down a conveyor belt. Other processes could take even longer, 10 times as long. Effective use of automation can significantly reduce labor on a per package basis.


Air Pillow FilmThe key to preventing damage is consistency. What better way to get consistent protective packaging then using equipment. Inflatable systems help you keep consistent packaging from one box to the next. They can be preprogrammed with certain parameters of you product and/or box. If you’re not using equipment, then this is all up to the operator. You could be wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars in wasted materials. With equipment, you’ll get consistency every time, leading to less damage and happier customers.

Benefits of an Inflatable System

  • Ideal for ship-from-store (SFS) applications where space is at a premium
  • Great replacement for traditional void fill as well as ½ inch bubble – affordable and a fraction of the required storage space
  • Reliable, simple packaging material that protects items to their final destination
  • Worker ergonomics and space are maximized
  • Fits into tight spaces; can be mounted directly onto racking
  • No training required. Simple, out of the box operation. Just plug and go!


If you’re looking at your overall packaging operations, you’re taking the first step to improving your process. Seeing what else is out there and changing and adapting helps improve your efficiency and productivity. Looking for alternative solutions will positively impact your costs, if you know what’s out there first. Keep in mind how equipment can impact your materials, freight, warehouse, labor and damage. Improving your protective packaging will improve your bottom line, and ultimately lead to happier customers.

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Inflatable systems, reducing your costs published first on https://www.thepackaginggroup.com/